Kaedah OIC: Fungsi Gubahan
Kaedah OIC (Outside Inverse/Inside Composite) merupakan satu kaedah dalam menentukan/ mencari fungsi apabila satu fungsi gubahan diberi. Ianya adalah hasil inovasi Guru Cemerlang Matematik Tambahan, Puan Siti Azlina binti Hairudin semasa Persidangan Guru Cemerlang SBP pada tahun 2010. Dalam kaedah ini penentuan kaedah dalam menentukan satu fungsi dari satu fungsi gubahan diberi adalah berdasarkan kaedah […]
How to Make Math Easy
Oftentimes, when it comes to math, some people struggle with the concepts, finding it too difficult. But follow these few steps and Math will be easy in every class. Master Your Basics: The number one reason that people struggle in math class is because their basics and their fundamentals are not fully developed. Algebra and […]
How to Get Smart in Math
It is said that when King Ptolemy asked for an easier way of learning mathematics, Euclid (the inventor of geometry as we know it) replied, “There is no royal road to geometry.” For many people, math isn’t a strong suit. If you struggle with it, read on to learn how you can improve your understanding […]